Friday, September 21, 2012

Faith Undone

Faith Undone

No marker on the grave
Where buried is our faith,
No joy in the world
That we betrayed,
Blood flows freely
In ruinous rivers,
Irrigating nightmares,
Reaping a tragic harvest
Effortlessly achieved;
A birthright
Of the clever enemy
Humility left untouched
And compassion abandoned,
A gift
Evil hid in Glory’s cloak,
Death delivered by War’s hand
A gift we drank eagerly
And we proclaimed gratefully,
The thirst unquenched,
The cup poisoned,
Revenge and pride
Spilled ever more,
Until maddened we consumed
All we once were
And all we would ever be.

Sunday, September 2, 2012

Hostage With Wings

I am a hostage of love
A willful prisoner
Bound in dreams
That with hope do sail
Far across the sea of time
And across space,
Meaningless beyond moments
Eternal as love blooms;
The flower unwilted,
Given to joy
At the precipice of tragedy,
Given wings by tenuous faith
That I may learn to fly
And then fear not the fall
That ever near,
May never come.