Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Burning Bridges

By: Gus Victoria

The bridge built strong once
In decay now spans precariously,
Made decrepit by negligence,
Oxidized in its own haughty air,
Weighed down by superior disdain
Cast upon those that built,
And those that cross
By the Keepers of the Span,
Honor is theirs to squander,
Authority they've spent,
Bankrupt now beyond their owns skins
That like Argus they watch,
Blind to all else,
Truth of purpose
Weak before the habit of corruption,
Caring souls
Labeled disobedient,
Perpetrators of poor judgment,
Reprimanded for inefficient conformity,
The bridge postpones its fate
As obstacles multiply,
Defying its own nature,
The bridge stands feebly
Until that humble soul
With clear vision
Sets it aflame,
The bridge burns!
Embers dance in the night.
The bridge burns!
Leaderless, the wolves scatter.
The bridge burns!
They that in arrogance walked,
Now in despair kneel.
The bridge burns!

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Angels, Lilith and Eve

By: Gus Victoria

It took an angel to break the heart
For years entrusted in her care,
And though in despair I walked
Stiffly with an unhealing wound
I found another angel
To take the shattered pieces,
To, from the shards of a useless heart,
Make something,
An image of what once was,
An imperfect creation
That love then shaped
To something new
Cherished and beloved,
Never did I forget Paradise,
Nor Lilith.
Yet in Eve I found a match,
That was my own
Partner in a strange world,
Not the fantasy I dreamt,
The reality sent,
That for need I was in want,
She is faithful,
Where Lilith betrayed
The trust I threw away.
One became the mother of all,
The other a demon of lust,
Fantasy of a world unborn...