By: Gus Victoria

Sad and melancholy becomes the mood of all patriots walking
the streets of any city in this country when it is shown to them the utter lack
of safety and security at every corner; the risk taken with every step. Before
any decision to venture out is made one must weigh whether it is more dangerous
to stay at home or leave the house. The fear might seem appalling to an
outsider, but it is perfectly natural and oftentimes paralyzing for those poor
souls who must battle daily their fear and navigate the streets and roads to
the grocery store, library, school, or any other place their plans and
obligations must take them.
In a country of just over 300 million people the terror is that less than a
third of the population is armed! Only approximately 80 million adults claim to
own firearms. That leaves more than 220 million lost without the security that
owning and using a firearm confers. I am not one to lean heavily on hyperbole
and shudder at the thought of exaggerating a topic so serious, but any good
God-fearing person can easily see that this is a crisis; one of this nation’s
greatest. We must get the guns to the people! It is the only way to keep
everyone safe. A comprehensive plan must therefore be put in place to
distribute firearms and educate all legal citizens of this country on their
use. The following is by no means comprehensive, but it is a beginning.
In my fervent and passionate desire to see this country as
safe and prosperous as possible where we can all hold hands and get along like
neighbors I propose that all children entering second grade be issued a small
handgun. They must learn with a weapon they can hold and feel comfortable with
because that is essential to good marksmanship and general safety. It would do
no one any good to start off this program by handing out an assault rifle to
children too small to hold it properly let alone fire it. This is proof that I
value safety above all else.
As children learn to read and begin to pick up on their social skills; right as
they begin to form the informal hierarchies that will rule the rest of their
lives they must also learn to live with the reality of that glorious tool that
is their birthright. Keep in mind we
are, by no means, raising soldiers or mindless militants. We will not change
the incredible education system that is in place now and has been the pride of
this nation for decades. We are simply adding gun instruction to that already
stellar curriculum. Simple and effective.
By the time children graduate elementary education and move into their teenage
years it will be assumed they are masters of their handguns. Having had them
for years, no doubt many will have grown fond and perhaps even named their gun
with names such as Flippity Flop Glock, Thunderer27, or Sprinkles. They may
even have decorated it. We must encourage the enthusiasm and personalization
impulse, but strongly discourage purely aesthetic modification. The imagination
of a child is great and worth protecting, but its tendency to fly on its own
makes it also necessary to guide and mold properly.
The first objection to my plan might come here as the child
enters high school. Is not an angsty teenager with hormones running rampant, a
skewed inexperienced view of the world and the arrogance of youth combined with
a sense of immortality a dangerous combination without handing them a gun?
Absolutely! That is WHY we will hand them their first semi-automatic weapon.
The awesome sense of responsibility and power will temper their otherwise
immature impulses. Bullying will cease to exist and drugs will become a problem
of the archaic unarmed past. Instruction in firearm use will continue and
become a separate part of a newly expanded standardized test. The student will
be required to name the various parts of their weapon in a detailed
deconstruction and have an instructor-led marksmanship exam. The students will
surely, by now, feel little stress in handling a gun and will pass these exams
easily helping grant them entrance into a university.
Symbolic of their achievement thus far and as a promise of future potential, upon
graduation each student will receive a fully automatic assault rifle with their
diploma. They may or may not have any idea how to use it, but there will be
many opportunities to learn whether in college or in classes held at the local
community center. The intent is to make every graduating senior feel that
indeed their future is what they make of it. Safe and very secure.
I now take a moment or two to iron out a few questions that
no doubt have formed in the reader’s mind by now. What about children that do
not attend a traditional school? Private schools will admittedly, with often
more resources than public schools, be able to offer even better gun training
and education. A private education should therefore be seen as a boon and not a
burden. Home schooling might be a bit more of a challenge, but with some aid
and the unequalled personal attention the student receives in this environment,
I would worry very little. Remember, ALL students MUST pass their Firearm Usage
and Control Qualifying Exam (the FUCQE for short). Therefore it would be in the
child’s interest to make sure firearm instruction was given serious attention.
How will this be paid for? This one seems difficult to answer at first as we
are talking about millions of guns and hours of instruction. However one
incredible side-effect of gun ownership and usage is a deep abiding sense of
caring and accountability. With these at their side all subsequent generations
will no longer need the so-called socialist safety net of Social Security or
any such similar programs based on age or race or imaginary need. With all the
money saved from ending those useless programs we will have more than enough to
pay for all our children to have access to guns and be taught in their use.
Finally we will have secured the safety of our most precious treasure.
To this point we have only touched upon bringing guns to the children and
teaching them in their use from a young age up through high school. This is
vital of course, but admittedly incomplete. At the implementation of this plan
there will be millions and millions of unsafe, ignorant adults that will need access
and instruction in firearm use. The first gun will always be free. At first,
classes will be optional and offered to those willing to learn. After a certain
grace period these classes will become compulsory. Upon completion a license to
carry a concealed gun will be issued for the gun in question. In order to
uphold these virtues of American civic duty and enforce the law of the land,
law enforcement agencies will be empowered to ask for proof of license at any
time from any citizen and issue a hefty fine to those failing to procure a
valid one. These fines will be used to
help fund the gun programs for our children.
All restrictions on all firearms shall be lifted and an Amendment passed to the
perfect and sacred Constitution to assure that they are never placed again. If
we are serious about keeping ourselves and each other safe this becomes an
obvious necessity.
Hunting shall change little with one notable exception. No
restrictions. In a great and prosperous nation where there is plenty of
wildlife and expansive forests there is little need to place pesky restrictions
on honest hunters. If we were not meant to hunt animals, God wouldn’t have put
them there for us, or made many of them taste so delicious. We only ask that
hunters keep meticulous records of kills so we can hand out end-of-year prizes
for superlative hunters in the form of tax breaks and incentives.
Even though the fact that everyone eventually having at
least one gun on their person at all times will decrease crime to such a negligible
low level the laws protecting citizens who choose to hold their ground and
defend their property and their loved ones will be expanded. No one will ever
be prosecuted if they happen to kill a criminal out to harm them. These people
choose to become heroes instead of victims and should be treated accordingly. Little
more needs ever be written on this subject. Defense and protection in the
promotion of perpetual safety is the entire reason for this proposal.

Out of love for my country and with the sincere belief that
by arming every single lawful citizen we can, together, promote safety and
everlasting peace amongst each other as well as fostering a sense of belonging
and brotherhood I propose this plan. I seek no enrichment for myself nor do I
request credit be given to me in full or in part for any ideas articulated here
and thereafter implemented. The credit and honor will go to those whose effort
makes this all possible. To those brave souls I entrust the safety of our
children and our nation. God bless you. God bless America.