Sunday, April 21, 2013

Chasing the Fairy #15

By: Gus Victoria

Memories not yet made
Fuel the lover’s flame
In the furnace of love,
That combustible crucible
That furnishes the blade
Upon which we all fall.

Lust is a hunger
Only ever delayed,
Never truly sated.
Conflict created
When two souls not fated
Play with temptation’s fire.
Burned in ectasy
To sinful ash.
Reborn in redemption.

Taking flight
To fall once more.
Whole again,
To break again
Upon the jagged crags
Of an unsheltered life.

Thursday, April 18, 2013

Custodian of Justice

By: Gus Victoria

Revolutionary of mind
Revolutionary of heart
Love is thy currency
In a bankrupt world
That seeks to devour
The light it suppresses
The life it oppresses
Gorging on the foul refuse
Of State.
Sustained by its crumbs
Strengthened by its injustice.
As a blade
Tempered in the fire,
Sharp to make bleed,
Strong for the cut
You are an instrument
Of righteous anger
Of divine retribution.
Revolutionary, you destroy
And chaos you bring
So that others may build.
Revolutionary you save
Those cast off,
So that others may heal.
Hero to the hopeless,
Scourge to the opressor
Friend to the friendless
Custodian of justice.

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Viva Mexico, Nuestra Madre

By: Gus Victoria

We dance today
For you,
We celebrate today
For you,
We are together today,
For you,
Five centuries you’ve been mother,
To lost children,
Five centuries you’ve been slave,
To lustful masters,
Five centuries you’ve cried tears of blood.
We rape your land,
We deny your past,
We destroy your future,
You are mother to us;
We praise you
As we deny you,
We idolize you,
As we forget,
We proclaim your beauty,
As we court foreign appeal,
Calmly you wait,
Quiet your strength,
Deep your resolve,
That someday
We, your children
Will take our inheritance,
And proudly proclaim your virtue,
As together in voice we call to you our mother,
Mexico! Mexico! Mexico!

Friday, April 5, 2013

Sacbeob (White Roads)

By: Gus Victoria

White roads,
Made to wander
Ancient Mayab
From temple to palace
Under Zamna’s guidance
And Chac’s rain.

Each a path,
A journey chosen,
Traveled slowly.
A mystic way.

Feathered serpent,
Plumed master
In a house of stone,
Temple atop a castle,
I find
At the end of one.
Only one sacbe.

Mystic dwarf,
Magician in your structure
Bid me come
Along another.

To heaven and hell
The Twins beckon
As the Lords of Hell they defeat
In a grand court,
Xibalba is there at the end
Of another white road.

Xkeban and Utz-Colel,
The flower and the thorn,
Xtabentun and Ixtabay
Wait for me,
To discover at the end,
Another sacbe,
Another road traveled.
Another facet
Of the jeweled peninsula,
Of my beloved Mayab.
Of my home.

Thursday, April 4, 2013

Indiana Gus - Mexican Adventure

By: Gus Victoria

There seems to be some bit of confusion as to my decision to soon go to Mexico. Let me, my friends, set the record straight as best I can. I indeed plan to leave soon. When the thought first occurred to me in the middle of last year I believed then that the trip would be a lengthy and potentially near-permanent move. Having been born there and with the majority of my family still residing there the pull is great. The desire to learn more about myself in the land of my birth was and is still nearly irresistible. Without a family to support and while I still have my health (for the most part) the time to go is now. I cannot delay this trip much longer. Its inevitability has been revealed to me in recent months. I will not be happy or feel myself on the right path if I do not take this trip soon. Beyond going, my expectations are few but my goals are many. I expect to learn as I complete those goals, but what I will learn or even how is up in the air. Mexico is a big place. The past there never dies and history is not forgotten.  Let me share a few things with you so you understand why I must go and what I plan on accomplishing while there. This blog will be updated prior to, during, and after the trip. So you can, in a way, join this journey with me.


Currently I work at Walt Disney World. It is murder to my artistic soul. The Disney product is great and the people I work with are quite wonderful. I owe much to the company and will never forget my time there as I have forged many lifelong friendships and more than one love. However, as great a company as it may be it is still a huge corporate entity and is therefore not a great home for truly free, artistic souls. We work to pay the bills and dabble in our art, whatever it may be, in our spare time. Spare time which, to make ends meet, slowly but steadily disappears. That may not be a consequence of a purely Disney problem but a wider societal problem I confess, but that it affects me is without doubt. I need to break those shackles of debt and (artistic) death while I am still able to. Add a family and children to support and my responsibilities makes those dreams of fulfilling my potential even more difficult to achieve. I’m not ready for that yet.

Right now I stand at a cross roads within the company. Concentrate, focus, and move up or leave. I choose to leave and follow my own dreams.


Mexico is my birthplace. More than that, and forgive me, but I cannot make this sound unpretentious; Mexico is also my birthright. My family goes back nearly two decades here in the States, my entire life minus three years. In Mexico we are part of the tapestry of that nation. The name Victoria graces the very currency of the country and the other branches of the family are no less old or revered. There is the land that for centuries my forebears have called home.

I know it from stories and several trips throughout the years. I need more. I need to feel the magic of the land course through my veins and find its place on the page. As a writer, my inspiration is anchored by that immortal link to the land. I have a wonderful opportunity now to go and learn as I never have.

To travel the countryside for a bit and learn from the people that inhabit the small towns and the big city. To take pictures and steal words from the land and monuments erected over hundred and even thousands of years. To see in that mirror of time my own soul reflected and in that understood a bit more profoundly. Some stories will be collected and written down, others will take that reflection and knowledge and through the alchemy of the author be transformed into something worthwhile.

Hidden knowledge revealed.

The Family Business

Food. That is the immediate family business. My grandfather and uncles have restaurants and I wish to learn from their experience in starting one. Fret not friends! My restaurant eventually will find its way to Central Florida, but I need first to learn and perfect recipes. What better way to do that than in Mexico? I will learn how to make dishes native and common to Mexico. By the end of the year I hope my friends will be able to enjoy the fruits of this research. I am a perfectionist for what I am passionate about. Food, without doubt, is one of my top passions.

I’ll Be Back

This trip is not a one-way-never-see-you-again type of trip. Far from it. Too much of my life has taken root here in Florida for me to be prepared to move to another country yet, even if that country is Mexico. Its not an impossibility that I will someday make a home there, but not now, not yet. Too much to come back to right now.

Hope this clears things up a bit. As the time to leave approaches I’ll post links to where I will post articles, pictures, etc relating to the trip.

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Days and Years

By: Gus Victoria

Days forgotten to years have turned
And the world has moved on,
No end was written
Before the book was closed.
The pages have yellowed,
Turned, tattered, and turned again.
To find what was missing
Reliving the past, aware
Of the fairy tale ended,
By two bound hearts created.

Memories burn ever clearer
Banishing the fog of vague recollection,
Consigned once to oblivion,
Yet kept hidden like jewels
In the heart,
Locked, until now.

Wounds never heal
When the pain
Is a preferred companion.
And the scar
The badge of finality.
The confession of loss.
The truth of oblivion.