Monday, November 21, 2011

Jesus Saves! Cthulhu Raves!

So Jesus wanted to RAVE not SAVE!?! Ohhh I get it now...someone pass me a glowstick I'm about to have a religious experience! Christianity seems to me sometimes to be little more than a 2,000 year old game of Telephone.

Listen if Jesus were a super skilled ripped lifeguard that could swim in a triathlon and still knock out a shark at the end of the day and I happened to also be drowning in the deep end of the pool because I didn’t wait 30 minutes after my massive meatball sub and a swarm of piranhas that someone released was about to turn me into a nice biology class prop then yes, oh please yes I would need to be saved! However since that doesn’t usually happen, perhaps because most of those details were based on myth, fiction and outright lies I think it is safe to say I’m not in constant danger or need of “saving.” That question has always bothered the hell out of me, which is actually an ironic statement when you think about it since its hell that I am trying to be “saved” from. 

Hey Mr. Christian apologetic have you read that handy dandy book you have in your hand? Can you tell me why you pick and choose what to believe in and how hard? Perhaps animal sacrifice isn’t so cool anymore, but why do you still get a hard-on when talking about the end of the world complete with oceans of blood and mountains of (human) dead? Oh its cool you say, that if I believe then God will save me from that awful fate? Well Mr. Christian apologist I have two words for you…fuck off! Ok not really, I won’t actually say that to you. I’ll probably say something more like “good to know, thanks!” Make no doubt I’m thinking “fuck off!” If God is like the one you describe in your book, especially with all that apocalypse shit all I can say is: What. A. Dick! I’d rather play cards with the devil even if he is a bastard and a cheater. At least he wouldn’t be as cold-blooded a douche as THAT God that decides on a whim to end the world in a tidal wave of blood, fire, and destruction.
Cthulhu-Jesus reigns, saves AND raves.

Now here I seem like a crazy atheist that condemns hate as he himself hates. Au contraire mon ami, you see I believe in God with all my heart and soul. I believe He is real and He is the creator of the universe. The entire universe mind you, not just this tiny planet. He is so much more than I can ever even attempt to quantify. So I don’t. He is. I am not He. That’s all I need to know. Morality comes from the heart and love which I also believe is a manifestation of the divine will. Why else do we universally believe it is wrong to murder?

Love to me is the underpinning of Christianity and indeed any religion. Yes there is also a need and desire to understand the world, but love is the binding and driving force. Which is why one of the things that most angers me in this world is the use of love as a justification for doing the exact opposite.
“I love you therefore I hate.”

Today a friend of mine was unfriended on Facebook by someone saying that though they loved him they did not agree with his lifestyle. He is a gay man in a relationship healthier than perhaps 95% of any straight couple I know. Many of us were angered and a good deal of us laughed when we heard. It made me think. What God of love and wisdom would condemn love? I came to the conclusion that the exclusionary message of condemnation and hate is not only contrary to the spirit of the gospels, but also incompatible with a just and loving God. If the Deity is so far above me in wisdom, knowledge, and capacity to love, why then am I able to grasp that two people in love is to be lauded and not shunned? If this poor uneducated monkey understands this why not then the master of the universe?

So of course the problem is not with God but rather with how some people view God. When the Lord of Hosts is on your side you can justify anything, right? Well I tell you what, I’d like to believe in a God that chooses right and is not as petty and homophobic as others make him out to be. Think about that for a moment. It as if God made a purple polka dot elephant and then proceeded to hate it simply because it was not like the other elephants. Really? That God is not only petty; he’s also stupid and retarded. I like to give the big guy just a wee bit more credit.

There are those that tell me to read the Bible, that the word of God is eternal and binding. Perhaps I love circular logic as much as the next guy, but to them I ask, where in that Bible will I find dinosaurs? More on THAT later…

(Originally posted March 8 , 2011)

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

The Artist's Captor

By: Gus Victoria

Unseen lyrics and unheard melodies
Skitter across the shattered expanse
Of a bewildered mind
Wild with emotion
Lost in thoughts
Crowded with devotions
To ideal and art
Beyond the eye it cannot see
Beyond its own it cannot be
For the mind is decayed
Drunk on its own imagination

The ink yet flows from the pen
And the paint from the brush.
At what cost creation I ask,
At what cost the destructive forces
That in a hurricane build
And in a gentle breeze demolish
The incipient sanity of the artist
That from his mind has just escaped.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

And the Meme Became a Movement

By: Gus Victoria

And the meme became a movement. For weeks now I have been following the Occupy Wall Street protests with the same detached irritation that a majority in this country shares. It is not that I do not believe in the dialogue that the OWS movement attempts to start. I do not disagree that this country has indeed been taken hostage by corporate interests that outweigh and deny any possibility of effective democracy. Change is needed that is clear. However this OWS movement was a seemingly feeble effort by spoiled children of a self-centered era. Feeble in that there was no clear leadership that identified a problem and promoted a solution. Revolution in this atmosphere is dangerous because when the hearts of many are turned and ignited by the thought of injustices done, real or perceived, it creates a force that no institution can stand against indefinitely.

It seemed this professed movement was not taken seriously by a majority despite the passionate appeals of many within OWS. That is not to say that it was ignored either as the various other similar protests that OWS spawned demonstrate. As this occupation lengthened patience amongst many tired, myself included. Yes we understand there are problems; but what the hell are you solving by Occupying _____? Those that work hard, despite the understanding that those in power were overly greedy, almost saw it as an insult by those that participated in these protests; “why does so and so complain about this and that when I work hard?” People began to distance or divorce themselves completely from inclusion in the 99%. That beloved 99% slogan then became a meme. A quick internet search will yield many different takes on the slogan that incorporate humor and pop-culture and diminish the intended effect of that slogan.   

Then came the government reactions. OWS might have been confined to a meme had government not panicked. Or perhaps it would be more accurate to say, those in control of government. The backlash against these relatively harmless and comparatively lost groups legitimized the whole endeavor. Whether THAT is what the few architects of OWS were counting on is not yet clear, but any student of Thoreau or Gandhi would probably have been able to predict that response by the government if they felt threatened. To me the surprise was that those in power felt threatened enough to initiate physical action and reprisal against these protesters when a good portion of the country had already, without intervention, discounted them.

Revolution is carried in the blood. It lays dormant when the life we live provides for us and those we care about an existence we accept. Usually this means access to basic things that allow for a propagation of society in such a structure that all within agree to it either explicitly or implicitly. When justice is absent long enough or dramatically enough then that blood begins to churn. It moves and us with it as it heats at the view of injustice. Injustice is incompatible with compassion and I believe humanity is, despite the injustices we create, predisposed to, on its own, choose compassion. When we live within the structure of government and society that we accept then we can get caught in the cogs of its soulless machinery and eschew that compassion for a duty we must perform. We in essence become slaves to a system. Sometimes that system oppresses us as we fight for its very existence against those that would see it torn down. It is a paradox that diplomacy cannot break us from. It is a disease to which politics is no cure. The only way to rid ourselves of the cancer of oppression is by waking up to its odious effects and choosing to end it. To enact a revolution within ourselves! A revolution is no panacea though, for it is like fire. It can purge and help clear in order to create. It can temper the resolve. But to burn uncontrolled can also cause destruction far worse than if nothing had been done in the first place.

That was my main objection with OWS initially. The lack of vision and leadership made me skeptical of its aims and wary of its actions. An uncontrolled revolution is always to be feared for it is little more than a mob. Then, as I stated earlier, came the government overreactions. Fear became evident. Hope slowly was uncovered. Not in what the OWS did, but in the injustice that the government’s actions highlighted. Clearing the protesters in such a hurried and violent manner, though not the bloody reprisals we have seen in other places at other times, was such that it effectively uncovered the government for what it is; a puppet state controlled by a now fearful financial oligarchy. And this is so un-American and inhumane that no matter one’s opinion on OWS the actions taken against them MUST be condemned. That is where I stand now. More to come later…

"I am 27. The hell with details because, lets be honest, you really don't care if they don't further your opinion. Why share then?

I am NOT part of the "1%"
I am NOT part of the "99%"
I AM part of the "100%"

Do not divide humanity for that perpetuates problems.
Love ALWAYS overcomes injustice and greed!
Never when we blame others before fixing ourselves.

Enact a revolution in your heart first before taking one to the streets!

I am the 100%

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Keep Your Modesty, I'll Run Naked Instead

I would dress naked or at the very least provocatively, but because I think it would be too tempting to my female friends (and a few of the male ones) I choose not to. Because I am a man that previous statement sounds absolutely ludicrous. To be fair that I went straight to naked is also silly. There are several levels before that would still revile most people. I am no Adonis, yet.

Avert your eyes men!
I do this to make light of something that in reality really makes me furious. It has always angered me and been one of the proofs in life that as I observe convince me that religion in general and people specifically are fucked. Here I would make a quip about how we are no better than animals and that we are just clever chimps oppressing slightly different chimps for no real reason. Not today, we are far worse than animals and the irony is that we have God to thank for that. Or rather it is more appropriate to say, we have a certain belief in God to thank for that.

*A disclaimer of sorts: Here we must take note that it is not just a certain belief in God that prompts some to adhere to a strict dress code, but also archaic notions of sexuality and passion that have either been disproven scientifically or fallen out of fashion in most places long ago. It would be unfair to say unequivocally that it’s God’s fault as people believe in Him, or do not, in millions of varied ways.  

Before I began this rant I thought about bringing in the big guns; the philosophers and scriptures on which these beliefs in modest dress are based. I opted against this because it doesn’t matter where the impetus comes from, the problem is the decision taken to impose the belief that women’s bodies are to be hidden because of man’s inability to control his thoughts and actions. It denigrates both women and men. Everyone loses.

I am not ashamed of the human form, nor do I think that we should be. Sexual immorality stems not from the physical, but rather from the inner reaches of the mind, soul, and heart which man or woman chooses to act upon or ignore. Sex is not wrong because it is. Sex is wrong because it is when we are not. That is to say, when we are not in possession of all our faculties and choose to cheat on others or ourselves. Sin derives from that. NOT, as others might fear, from the form. A naked female is intimidating to he that either has never seen her before or has never respected her. It is easier to cover up what we are not prepared to see than to prepare ourselves to see it.

Nor am I advocating we all walk around naked. I am saying what we wear does not matter so much as why we wear it. If you love dresses and neck high blouses then by all means dress that way! For the love of God though (huge irony, I know) don’t do it because you think that’s what’s expected. And PLEASE don’t do it because the man in your life tells you so. I have read in many places and seen firsthand that in many of these systems where dress for women is to some degree prescribed it is because the man deems its right.

That’s really what irritates me most; that a man will say “you need to dress this way because I say so,” and the woman will simply obey. We are both people; man and woman alike and there need not be, should not be a moment where one oppresses the other because in doing so we both lose what we can be if we both help each other reach our fullest potential instead of hinder.

Also it not only makes the woman weak by making her subservient to the man, but also it underscores that man himself is a weak creature. Perhaps even weaker than the woman he feels he must oppress. The entire reasoning for the modest dress in a woman, or at least the most compelling is often that to dress revealing would cause the man to think impure thoughts. This, to me is a travesty; it paints the female body as something sinister which causes man to think uncontrollable thoughts. Yes, men are humans and certain instincts are triggered when presented with a female human. This is natural and not evil. Beyond that, when that passing moment lingers and turns to objectification then that instinct becomes sin. To blame that on women though is absurd! The man is at fault for they are his thoughts. Imposing his will on her is in essence extending his weakness on her as well.

What are your thoughts? Depending on the discussion there will be follow up posts and we can discuss scripture, etc. This was a rant to promote my opinion and hopefully move you to write yours below and open a dialogue, whether we agree or not.

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Chasing the Fairy #7

By: Gus Victoria

A lover’s flame lit,
Fiery comfort
Of a charred memory
Encased in glass
Glowing brightly,
The way leading
To the lost gone
Wandering in wait.
Expectation of Desperation
For a thin faith fled.
They wait alone
Crowded in their solitude,
Pitied before loved,
Keepers and jailers,
Barriers to their own happiness,
Blind to the fire
Of Passion,
Slaves to desire
They cannot posses.

Monday, November 7, 2011

The Perfect Staff - Haunted Mansion Edition

By: Gus Victoria

Working at a theme park can sometimes be monotonous, but many other times it can be crushing with the pressure that comes from dealing with guests that have done away with common sense for the duration of their vacation (assuming, generously I might add, that they had any to begin with). The insane requests add up and sometimes no amount of shouting or pointing can convince a family that the door clearly marked “exit” is not secretly an entrance.  Those are just a couple of the things one must deal with.

In this work environment stress can easily get to you. During one of those stress-filled days recently I wondered what it would be like if the entire attraction was run by gods and heroes of old? I took each position as you encounter it and put a character fitting the role; historically and/or mythologically. So enjoy Magic Kingdom’s Haunted Mansion as run by a godly cast!


Cuchulainn - Beowulf

As you approach the entrance of the mansion you see two hulking warriors. Each dressed in the typical butler green you no doubt notice the muscles tearing at the fabric as if two Germanic Incredible Hulks await the question they know is leaping to escape.

“Is this the—“

Before you can finish and say “entrance” Beowulf bellows “Enter foolish mortal!!” Then he and Cuchlainn share a hearty laugh as they take long deep swigs from their tremendous tankards which you assume are filled with something other than water. The sun glints off their tremendous steel weapons giving you a sense of trepidation and unease that will only grow as you continue down the queue. These two are after all the most good-natured of the cast.



Winding your way down the path, around the rose garden and through the garnet-colored canopy you finally come upon a crossroads. To your left is a world of interactive enchantment through a wondrous cemetery and to your right…is not. Hecate stands there waiting not very patiently for you to make your choice. As you struggle with your choice you notice Hecate’s smile waver and fade. Her mood darkens and so does the sky. You feel electricity in the air. A choice begins to form in your head, but you cannot yet decide your course. Storm clouds gather around you and the once sunny Florida day has threatened to let loose a deluge of near-bibical proportions. Yet you continue to delay your choice. In a moment of clarity though you run to your left and the skies clear as you look back to see a grinning Hecate wave warmly at you as she smiles.



After having traveled through the enchanted cemetery playing amongst the tombs of a composer, a sea captain, and a poetess you reach a place where before you is a large wooden door. In front of this closed door stands Anubis. Despite his jackal-head you can understand him perfectly as he humorlessly requests that you fill all the open space in front of. That’s when you notice that indeed there is much space between you and the next person. You look sheepishly at Anubis as you inch closer to the person in front of you and the doors. You can’t tell if it is a smile or a snarl that he casts at you, but whatever it is you feel it burn deep within your soul laying bare all your secrets and insecurities when suddenly the door in front of you flies open!




The command is shouted like thunder and you tremble slightly. You feel fortunate that trembling was your only hesitation because hanging conspicuously from his belt is the biggest war hammer you have ever seen. Even in the darkened foyer room you can see the energy crackling across it and the power emanating from it. A child begins to cry frantically that he is terrified. His concerned parents share a panicked look hoping, in vain, that Thor does not notice.

With a furious glance in their direction the child is silenced; momentarily. Upon the second shriek though Mjolnir rises and Thor brandishes it in front of the bratty child.


With that the parents faint. With disgust Thor calls to his father’s ravens and they escort the frightened party out. With a glance that would melt the strongest resolve of the most veteran warrior Thor challenges anyone to repeat the display of the weakling child and his parents. No one does and content, Thor enters the Stretch room kindly asking everyone to enter the dead center. No one disobeys.

Load 1


Surviving the most terrifying moments of your life to that point you enter a hallway at the end of which is a slowly moving belt. Beside this belt move your ride vehicles; nearly identical black buggies.  On the belt you see two figures, one at each end. The first is nearly as intimidating as Thor. He is the mighty Hercules and though his rippling frame is impressive it is the hint of madness in his eyes that gives you pause. As you approach he tells you in no uncertain terms that there are no more than three to a buggy. As you turn to discuss with your family who will ride with whom you feel an iron grip close around your waist and in a moment you are thrust mightily into the empty waiting buggy. Hercules simply says in a humorless tone, “you ride alone.”

Load 2


At the end of that very belt you see an Ibis- headed butler. Like Anubis before you can also understand him perfectly. His nametag says “Thoth.” He stands in front of a colorful monitor that read all sorts of information you can’t decipher from your seat and through your shock. With a feather he uses as a pen he bids you to sit back, let the bar close, and enjoy your ride. Then he writes down something. You pray as you’ve never prayed before that whatever he wrote down was good. You are not sure.


Kali – Fudo Myoo

The ride itself consists of the most peaceful eight minutes you’ve had throughout this entire experience.  That ends in a urine-inducing frenzy brought about by a four-limbed monstrosity wielding a scimitar and a necklace of severed human heads. She shouts that you exit to your left and watch your step. You do so, because you know to disobey would be fatal. Kali then spits out a sincere “have a magical day!”  The blood she splatters you with you know you will not clean as easily as the urine.   

Fudo Myoo stares at you as you exit. With a sword in one hand and a length of rope he is almost as intimidating a figure as Kali. He tells you to watch your step as well. You would feel offended at this repeated instruction where it not for the fact that deep in your heart you know to show such offense would result in a new head for Kali’s necklace or you might find out what Fudo-Myoo’s accessories are for.

Wheelchair Assist (Optional)

Jesus Christ

If you or any in your party were confined to a wheelchair you would have seen Jesus smiling warmly. He would have asked how far you could walk. Whatever your answer and whatever your malady he would cure it and your wheelchair would be commandeered and recycled for something far more useful.

“Oh you say you can’t walk, oh but I think you can…rise.”

And there you have it, this is the universe’s greatest cast for Magic Kingdom’s Haunted Mansion. No nonsense and no stress, well for the cast at least. However a cast needs other to help coordinate the various tasks needed. And what better leader than the Prince of Egypt himself: Moses. He and Anubis do not get along well personally, but respect the hell out of each other.
And above Moses, running the show if you will, is Ganesha. With luck and wisdom such as his the attraction is in good hands; all four of them.

Moses - Ganesha

(Originally posted April 9, 2011)

Meat Loaf Memories

It was a tiki bar in south Florida where it happened. Her uncle had built it by hand himself and it looked absolutely beautiful; a piece of Hawaii with a uniquely Floridian touch. And yet that was not his greatest talent. He was a master cook and could grill just about anything to such perfection that you would swear that you had never truly had barbeque anything until this man cooked it. It was Christmas day when she first took me to this oasis deep in Florida’s relative backcountry. We had been dating for several months, but it was one of the first times I had met any of her extended family and naturally she was a bit nervous initially. As the day and evening unfolded she relaxed and I had one of the most wonderful Christmases ever with a great group of people that later would feel like family to me as well.

I would not be writing this if we had stayed together I don’t think. That is the tragedy of reflection; we often don’t do it until some sort of sadness has been overcome to put into focus within a different light the events that to that point been simply part of it all and not warranted a second look. Now she was no longer mine nor I hers. Those people might remember me, but no more Christmases would I share with them. Worse, no longer would I spend Christmases with HER.

Amicable break-ups can be very deceiving when you let circumstances end the relationship instead of letting it end mutually from a deep conviction and understanding that it simply did not work out. That however is another rant for another time. The memory of that Christmas is paired with other outings we took to her uncle’s oasis in south Florida. Together they create a string of memories that are indelibly connected but which do not inhabit the forefront of my mind. In fact rarely am I compelled to look back and think, fondly or not, on those days long gone. Except that is when a particular song comes on…

That is the great wonder, if not proper mystery, to me. How a song can become so powerful in forcing upon us the memories we do not desire to relive. Worse when those memories are sweet. For me the song is part of the memory and I think this gives it even more power over me.

Each time we attended a party with her family at this place I mentioned above it was tradition that Karaoke be part of the entertainment. As you can imagine a lot of hilarity followed as a result. A tradition within this tradition was one song in particular that she sang with her father or uncle. She had been raised as a big fan of classic rock and Meat Loaf was an artist everyone loved. “Paradise by the Dashboard Light” was the song she knew word for word and which she and her family sang enthusiastically. I was amazed the first time I saw it and experienced it that Christmas.

Years later life has moved on, with and without my consent. We are no longer together and I have found someone else that has taken my heart. However I have not been able to escape the flood of memories that inevitably is released every time I happen to hear that song. I know I am not the only one with linked memories refreshed by songs popular and obscure. Every time I hear that song I am taken back to that tiki bar and an image of her with a microphone in hand singing “Do you love me? Will you love me forever? Do you need me? Will you never leave me?” If I close my eyes I can see her too.

This would be well and good if I were single. It would fall right in line with my inadvertent masochistic tendencies. Tendencies which are inherent in most poets I would venture to say. However I find that I am not. And I am happily not. That makes these memories less and less welcome. They are happy if not altogether welcome intrusions into a present I work hard to live in and impediments to a future I am trying to build.

The strange irony of all this is that the more I try to forget, the harder these memories become to dismiss. And also because there is some cosmic comedian behind it all, the more often this song seems to play. So my remedy is no remedy at all. I shall listen to Meat Loaf when and where I please and if these memories intrude then I will tackle them there and then. Perhaps in the preoccupation of what they may mean to our current state we dismiss what they can inform us about the past and ourselves. “Paradise by the Dashboard Light” is to me now and forever a snapshot into a happier time that I will always cherish and keep much like an old photograph, there at the edge of memory.


Wednesday, November 2, 2011

In Fire Redeemed

By: Gus Victoria

Her hair a red tongue of flame
Passion fueled fire
She temps with a look
And damns with a kiss,
Her eyes sparkle
Deep as Oceanus
With mysteries akin,
Swallowed in those errant diamonds
The shade of a twice-lost hero;
Shunned from Earth
Banished from Heaven,
To find in her
More than ever was given, taken or shared,
In her embrace he burned,
And in the flames was renewed,
No angel she
No demon he,
They were,
They wished to be,
They learned to love,
They lived free,
Chaos seeking order
Night its day
Love its equal
Found in shattered hearts aflame.