Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Love Is Its Own Law - Marriage Equality

By: Gus Victoria

Here we stand and wait at the threshold of history. Waiting for a verdict from the highest court in the land. Nine men and women soon make a decision that will impact millions. History will judge them based on that decision. We will celebrate or we will scorn. As a nation we will debate long after the decision has been handed down. Tears of joy and tears of despair will flow and mingle together.

Thousands march on either side. Millions more use their voices, words, and actions to advertise their belief. To change minds and hearts if possible. To rant if not. And what does it all mean? Nothing and everything.

At question is marriage and who among this nation’s citizens has a right to marry and whom. Seems a simple answer. The heart follows its own path, infinitely capable of that one force that is greater than all others; love. Can a couple of the same sex be allowed to marry and enjoy the same rights and benefits that heterosexual couples already do? To most of us the answer is clear and undebatable. The problem is that answer is not the same. Debate must, in such a State as our own, commence. Unfortunately we aren’t very civil when we feel ourselves, or those we care for, threatened and we begin to pepper this discussion of love with hate and prejudice. Violence can never create and hate can never persuade. Fear may induce some to act and think in a certain way for a while, but understanding brought about by love can banish fear easily. Hate has a firm hold only because we grasp it so tightly. Let go of it and let the heart speak. You’ll be surprised what it says.

More to the issue at hand though. Vague studies have been known to show...everything. I hate to discard a whole category of argumentation, but here when people are discussing passionate matters then the debate cannot be stripped down, quantified, and presented in a neat little study. Better to dispense with it altogether. Why cannot a man marry a man or a woman a woman? That is the question. At its center being the question; what is marriage?

How does one define it? That answer dictates on what side of this debate a person stands.

Scriptures and fear drive much of the conversation on one side. Fear and loathing on the other. Fear being common to both. The great divide is who can marry whom. For many
that is what defines marriage and what, in maintaining the status quo, will keep its sanctity. A man marries a woman and they raise a family. That is marriage and its purpose. There is no other.


In this argument there is, and there must be a definite wrong answer and it is what makes it so refreshing for a philosopher used to dealing with deep, yet vague, questions about existence and the meaning of life. Outdated notions of the family unit are regressive in a world ready to move beyond the ancient mold of superstition and spiritual oppression. This does not mean religion does not have a place in this world, it still does. However it must understand it cannot captivate the minds and hearts of people as it once did to affect wholesale change on a society. Those bonds have rusted over the years and are clearly snapping.

That struggle is a death struggle. Rationalism and humanism in this century have and will continue to usher in a new Enlightenment. A second one that the church will not survive without serious reflection and change. Ignorance right now is an ally they need to abandon. Love was once its foundation, there will they find salvation.

That explains the ferocity of the opposition. The undermining of scriptural authority.

It is a moot point. Marriage may be defined in the eyes of the law however the lawmakers decide and the law of the heart that is love will always supercede it. A man may love whomever he chooses and a women may as well. The vow they make to each other no law of the land may ever break. To attempt to only condemns the lawmaker. Yes, hardships may have to be endured in a place where love outside the established norms exists. Some of these hardships may be fatal. This is a tragedy that those standing against marriage equality should take note of. Though the heart may be bruised and the body broken love, if it is true, will always endure. There is the sanctity of marriage. Not in the sex. Always in the heart.

The slippery slope argument that warns man may marry all sorts of animals and such after marriage is made legal is silly on two counts. The first one should be self-evident. The legalization of marriage will not create a wave of barnyard lovers. The second point is that marriage can even be legalized. Law ought to have no say in a covenant where they are not partners. It can grant benefits or take them away, but is cannot dissolve the union between two people if they have promised themselves to each other. You can says its invalid in all the law books of the country, but that does not make it so for them. Love is never invalid.

I rejoice as I stand at this threshold with many of my friends. I have no doubt that change in our nation will soon be upon us. I have no doubt that even that doesn’t matter. The debate won’t end. Love will outlive it though. Stand firm, be hopeful and NEVER be afraid to love!!

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

The Inexorable March

By: Gus Victoria

The inexorable march of Time
Recognizes no barrier
And is grander than Thought.
It outlasts Death
And grind us all to dust
Marching on
Memory forgets and then
Even the dust disappears.

The fertile youth once
Is no more
Hopes and dreams
That sprang from boundless potential
Are dashed upon the rocks of reality
Sterile, dead.

Love is no subject of Time.
Eternal both,
Without beginning
Without end,
They exist
Boundless and limitless
In power and in scope.
Hope is their child.

Faith is believing
What cannot be seen
And seeing
What cannot be believed.

Faith always dies first.

You Are Beautiful

By: Gus Victoria

“You are beautiful.”

These are words that are too often the hardest for someone to believe. The mirror lies speaking louder than words. Incidentally and perhaps a bit ironically words easily distort the mirror. And it is in that very mirror we place the truth of ourselves. Ever changing, never real. Not as it is. Not as we are. Only as we believe we are seen and are expected to be seen.

We compare ourselves to ideals that are unreachable because they are not ideal. The beauty in the media as projected onto young women and men is not healthy and simply untrue. Technology allows anyone to brush up what make-up and lighting could not cover up. Still too many of us strive to reach those “ideals” and when we don’t make it we label ourselves failures and see ourselves as less than beautiful. I’m too ugly. I’m too fat. I’m awkward and clumsy. I can’t do this and I can’t do that. Failure builds upon failure to create a foundation of futility and a house of despair.

“You are beautiful.”

Indeed you are. Beauty is in us all. It is the truth of existence. The marrow in the bone of the poet. It should be brilliantly shining for us all to see within ourselves and in others. It is not. It hides behind our doubts. Yes, of course, these doubts may be given to us by friends, family, or the hated media, but it is we that keep them. We are the only ones that can keep them alive and make them grow. We nurture our doubts until they become part of us and then we barely notice them. For all the harm they do to us they become invisible. How can we fight that kind of foe?

With honesty. Truth sets you free. You must realize that beauty is not given by others, but is inherent in you and recognized by others. That is quite a distinction. If they do not see the beauty within you they either don’t know you or are themselves blinded by false impressions. We must first know ourselves. Then love ourselves. And of course love others. Love is at the core. Truth there has its root and beauty is simply the expression of this harmony. Easier to assemble the words to express this idea than to actually carry it out. I know this, but it is a struggle worth fighting. Every day that you fight your doubts they shrink. Over time, they will disappear. What will be left is the same person but with a special ability; to see beyond what is labeled and what is given. You will be able to see what is. It won’t always be perfect, but it will be real.

“You are beautiful”

That shall be your mantra. It may seem a lie at first. All your other notions of beauty will try to put a lie to that phrase, but just repeat it. In time, those notions will reveal themselves as lies. When you realize your beauty you miraculously unlock it for others. A happy you will radiate and others will be forced to acknowledge. Some may be hostile, some may be resistant, but truth will protect you and love will guide you. Love thyself and love others as thyself. The world will know far more beauty this way and much less ugly hate.

“You are beautiful”

If you are not there yet keep saying it. Start believing it. Soon you’ll be living it.    

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

The Horsemen Ride

By: Gus Victoria

Death and War are horsemen only Love can unseat.
Steel and lead tear through flesh
Doing damage in this world
As hatred and violence do more
To murder the soul
That no weapon of man
Can ever touch,
The essence of man dies
When the Creator’s gifts are used
To murder the Creation.
God dies in the assault
That embraces evil
As it discards justice
To redress imaginary wrongs.
When the innocent are dead
The angels weep.
The horsemen ride
Only when Love is absent.

Friday, March 8, 2013

World of Shackles

By: Gus Victoria

I know the key.
In a world of shackles,
I have the key!
Promises written in the water
Of a filthy stream
Are the hope of the lost.
Shots of manufactured joy
Are the momentary relief
Of the enslaved.
Industrialization makes possible
The shackled present,
Mechanization of decay,
Abandonment of freedom,
Death of liberty.
Whispered truth
In a hurricane of lies
Is salvation.
Whispered truth
In a flood of tears
Is redemption.
Break your shackles!
Take the key.
Break the shackles!
Be free!