Friday, August 30, 2013

Empty Throne

By: Gus Victoria

Endless is the Ocean of Guilt
Infinite in depth, it carried
The ship of dreams
Once when it was known as a different sea,
The sails, bright and full of wind then
Caused the vessel to swiftly fly on the waves
Commanded by Fate,
Dictated by Destiny,
Whipped to monstrosities rivaling Scylla and Charybdis
By the sweet voice of my Siren,
I, lashed to the mast,
A modern Odysseus  
Whose vision was equaled by old Epimetheus,
Knew not what he threw away,
Knew not what he left,
Dreams that haunt,
Hopes as ghosts,
I sailed alone
To a lonely shore,
You did not follow.
I waited in vain
For the day
You realized a jeweled throne
Waited in my heart for you,
A place of honor
I never showed,
Until you were gone.
A place that as I live
Will gather dust
And be ever unfilled.
Pain deep is dulled
By time relentless,
Though such wounds never heal,
I hope for that Ambrosia
You once gave freely
That may forever be lost to me.
A mortal where once I was divine.
Incomplete when once I was whole.

Sunday, August 25, 2013

Chasing The Fairy #17

By: Gus Victoria

Chasing dreams
Beautiful and unchaste,
Dangerous, seductive,
Calling in the dark,
Waking from a dream
To walk,
To seek and to know
The brilliant diamond
The joyful treasure
That is yours to give,
Never mine to take,
They call you whore,
They call you slut,
They look down on you
And call no more,
You are mistress,
You are lover,
They are nothing,
Insecure sparks
To your star,
As you are immortalized,
In bed,
In ink,
In glorious memory.

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Blade of Resistance

By: Gus Victoria

In the fires of Truth hammered by Justice
The Blade of Resistance is ever forged new,
Tempered by Chaos,
Given strength by Law,
It is a weapon to destroy,
It is a force to create,
The Blade carried by heroes,
Sanctified by their blood
Spilled in struggle,
To make right the broken world,
To shed light where shadow dwells,
To vanquish evil in its home,
The Blade is heavy,
None may wield it alone,
Only the pure touch it long,
Madness is the price
The weak must pay,
Corruption poisons the soul
Of the Unjust,
The Blade destroys the Unworthy,
No armor protects from this wrath,
No lie is believed,
No crime unknown,
The Blade respects no positions,
It knows no rank,
The Blade of Resistance
Harbinger of Justice and Truth,
Herald of Hope
Where Peace and Love are remembered.

Thursday, August 15, 2013

Bottom of the Bottle

By: Gus Victoria

Is there truth there sir?
At the bottom of that glass,
Is there redemption found,
Or like the mythic Djinn,
Is inspiration trapped in a bottle?
Drink deep and profound
The mead of life,
Take up your quill,
Dipped in eternal ink
To burn drunken truth
On silent parchment.
Words crowd together
Guided by a maddened Muse,
The divine gift is yours,
The nectar of the poet sweet,
Does it uncover majestic sights
Hidden by a trapped mind
In other times?
Does it grant mystic travel
From this present tempest
To more calm climes?
Drunken truth
Is truth carried by means
Of your divine craft.
Read then poet,
Mightier than the priest,
Closer to the gods,
What truth is uncovered,
There always,
At the bottom of your bottle.

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Love is (a Miracle)

By: Gus Victoria

There is redemption in love,
There is forgiveness in time,
There is hope after despair,
No one is doomed,
Forever condemned to suffer
The joyless existence
Of life without love,
No one is destined
Forever to search in vain
The wide Earth
For a companion,
We are sparks,
Specks of dust,
In an infinite expanse,
Yet love comes to us
It transforms,
A force as gravity is,
Ever present,
Never far,
Love is.

Monday, August 12, 2013

Blood in the Water

By: Gus Victoria

Blood in the water,
The remnants of progress,
Sharks circle,
Greed in their eyes,
A frenzy about to commence,
They smell your fear,
Growing bolder,
Swimming near,
Our ship sank,
Guided to wreck,
Unable to weather a storm,
Unwilling to change course,
They sense the gore
Of those weaker still,
The chum of society
Draws them close,
If sharks could grin,
Secure, they know
We lose, they win,
And now we drown,
As they feed,
Blood in the water,
Now we drown,
As they feed.

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

No More! (Anthem for Revolution)

By: Gus Victoria

American is the new Roman,
Dying of disease,
The Rome Syndrome,
Rotten empire,
Built with pride,
Destroyed in fire,
We have bread,
We have circus,
As the politicians
Race to fuck us,
The corporate bosses
Pulling fraying strings
Paying right and left wings,
Power is god,
Jealous god indeed,
Worshiping at the altar of greed,
We elect the high priests,
We are the sacrifice,
Cast your vote,
Pay the price,
Raise your fist,
Raise your voice,
No more!
Raise your fist,
Raise your voice,
No more!
Raise your fist,
Raise your voice,
No more!
Let the empire fall,
Let them find a new whore,
Let the empire die,
Let them hear the righteous cry
Raise your fist,
Raise your voice,
Raise your consciousness,

No more!

Sunday, August 4, 2013

Nothing to See

By: Gus Victoria

Empty fields
Generations old,
Nothing grows,
Dust settled,
Hunger shows,
They make your food,
They feed you,
They starve you,
Worry not though,
It is under control,
Back to your T.V.
Back to your News,
Find your opinion,
Purchase your hope,
Nothing to see,
Move along,
Nothing to see,
Everything for me,
Not a thing for you,
Everything for me,
Nothing to see.

Friday, August 2, 2013

Let Us Not Grow Old

By: Gus Victoria

Let us never grow old together,
The fickle winds of life,
Calm or tempestuous,
Let them blow against us,
Our little ship sails ever on,
Steady, adventurous,

Let us never make port
Where friends do not call
Or friends we do not make,
Let us be known true,
Loyal and steadfast,
Our bonds not to break.

Let us discover,
Every day an opportunity
To explore a  new mystery,
To experience a new reality
To search for knowledge
And in ignorance never be.

Let us live,
Not as king and queen
In luxury and vulgar excess,
But as Baucis and Philemon,
True and faithful,
Sharing what we possess.

Let us love,
Never sparing a moment,
Never surrendering to doubt,
Ours will be to others,
A light we cannot suppress,
That will never go out.

Let us not grow old together,
Let us grow young,
The life we lead,
The love we share,
The truth it proclaims
Grants youth,
Always young,
Always in love,
‘Till death do us part.
And a new adventure begins.